Shitting together with the (female) boss

Female poop stories in English
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Registriert: 26 Jun 2016, 11:09
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Shitting together with the (female) boss

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

Eine Geschichte von einer jungen Frau namens Anna, die ihr großes Geschäft zusammen mit ihrer Chefin verrichtet hat. (Da sie Österreicherin ist, hätte sie die Geschichte allerdings auch hier posten können, hehe)

Yesterday I had another buddy dump with my Boss Renate.

Yesterday after Lunch at work I felt a light pressure on my backdoor which showed me that it would be a good idea to head to the Ladies Room . I went to the Ladies room. On the way there i met my Boss Renate again. I hold the door for her and we entered the bathroom at the same time.

Both stalls were free and we took them. I locked the door, lowered my pants and thong and sat on the toilet. I could hear Renate doing the same thing.

Under normal circumstances I would have waited till Renate left the bathroom and I was alone in the toilet, as pressure was not that strong and I could hold my poop comfortable for a while. But as i had an important meeting shortly after lunch i could not wait.

So i started to my "things". At first I peed rather loud, then I started to push. At first I did only a loud fart nothing else came out. Then i pushed harder and then some rather hard chunks of poo splashed into the toilet.

I was only focused on my poop, so I did not listend what Renate was doing, but suddenly a rather big poo smell came from her still. Combined with my one, it was really bad.

During cleaning my bottom I could hear Renate doing some loud plops, some farts and more plops splasingf into the toilet. After cleaning i flushed my toilet, washed hands and left to toilet.

Hope you liked my story.

Greetings from Austria


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