Halb in die Hose gekackt (Michelle) (toiletstool)

Female poop stories in English
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Registriert: 26 Jun 2016, 11:09
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Halb in die Hose gekackt (Michelle) (toiletstool)

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

Hi Steve, sorry it took me a few days to get back to you. I wanted to tell you about the one time I had a poop accident in my car. I'm sure you could tell from my other posts that I am extremely poop shy, and have always been this way. I hate when people hear the noises I make and the noises my poop makes mainly, and ever since I was little I remember even hiding from my family when I had to poop. I remember long days at school, after eating a large lunch, and holding on so tight till I could race home from the bus stop and go in the privacy of my own home. Even now I hold my poop sometimes all day at work and go only when I get home. I only go every few days so this makes for large hard logs when I do go. And that makes them easier to hold back also. Once in a while when I eat Mexican food though, my stomach starts to grumble and things get moving pretty quickly. This happened one time when I went out to eat lunch with a friend. We had Mexican food and then we decided to go shopping at Target afterwards. While we were in the middle of shopping, I started to feel my stomach grumble. I was passing silent farts and could feel the pressure building, and I knew that I would be needing to use a toilet. But there was no way I was going to tell my friend that I had to poop, and no way that I would use the bathroom at Target. So I made up some excuse as to why I had to cut the shopping trip short. I paid for my items, said good bye to my friend, and headed out quickly to the car. I got in and started the race to the house. At first the pressure wasn't too bad, but it started to build quickly. I was farting more and more also, and my stomach was grumbling a lot. I could tell that this was going to be more of a loose poop than a hard log like I usually have. I got out of the neighborhood and on to the highway. By this point I was really sweating and clenching my ass cheeks to try to keep them closed. I put the air conditioner on and the radio on really loud to try to distract myself. But it wasn't working. The poop was pressing so hard on my anus trying to make it's way out. The farting had stopped by this point, nothing was left between my hole and the humongous poop behind it. I remembered that it had been several days since I went to the bathroom, so there was a lot in there, and the Mexican food was just pushing it's way out! I was driving as fast as I could, trying to concentrate on the road, but using all of my might to hold the load in. I got off of the highway and in to my neighborhood, and that's when things got impossible. I think my body could sense the impending relief, and decided to start moving things along. I got a cramp and it hurt so bad that I just decided I was going to let a little bit out. I took a Target bag that was sitting in my passenger seat and emptied the contents on to the passenger floor, and put the bag under my butt so that my seat wouldn't get ruined. I was still trying with everything I had in me to keep this poop inside. I kept telling myself, almost there, hold on for a couple more minutes. But then another cramp hit me so hard and so fast, and it hurt so bad, that I decided to lift my butt off of the seat of the car just a little bit, and that's when it happened. A large piece of poop started making it's way out of my hole and into my pants. I tried to pinch it off and sit back down, but my stomach was hurting so much at this point that I couldn't concentrate on the road, and so I lifted my butt off of the seat again. Poop started uncontrollably sliding out of my butt into my pants. I tried so hard to stop it. I sat back down and the poop squished all over my butt between the seat of my pants and all over my butt, with the bag as a barrier to the seat. I finally reached my house. I got out of the car, but as I stood up, poop started uncontrollably forcing it's way out of my butt into my pants, and I was helpless to stop it. I ran as fast as I could to the house and into the bathroom, pooping the whole time. When I finally got to the toilet, I pulled my pants down, still pooping, and fell to the seat with a loud involuntary moan of relief. I moaned and groaned and was helplessly sitting there dropping log after log which were splashing loudly into the toilet. The relief was indescribable and I didn't even stop to survey the damage to my pants until I was done letting all of it out. In the end, I ended up having to throw that pair of pants away and take a shower to get all of the poop off of me. I was glad I had that target bag because since I wasn't wearing underwear, the poop did go through the pants and would have made a stain on my seat.

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