Eine weitere Geschichte von toiletstool

Female poop stories in English
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Eine weitere Geschichte von toiletstool

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

Von einer jungen Dame namens Anna.

Today was Canada Day and the weather was super gorgeous, so Amber and I decided to take our bikes to the mountains and go for a long ride. I woke up feeling really full on my backdoor, but I couldn't poop at my house. We drove out to the trailhead and I tried again at the outhouse, but could only pee. Then we started our bikeride and it was a super long climb up to a pass. By the time we got there I was totally exhausted and soaked in sweat. And all of a sudden I also really needed to poo. We sat down for a break and had some snacks and then Amber went into the trees to do her business. She was back in just a minute, so for sure she just had a quick pee. For me, my number two was really urgent now. I took the little roll of toilet paper out of my backpack and told Amber I had to go to the bathroom. She looked at the roll in my hand and was grinning and was like "do you need to take a dump?". I was a little embarrassed, but I know she is always pretty open about this stuff. So I told her I did and she laughed and said "watch out for bears". I stuck my tongue out at her and told her she better watch out and then I went into the trees. I found a spot that was pretty flat and pulled my green bike shorts and my undies down over my sweaty bum all the way to just below my knees and squatted. Immediately I started to let go of a huge stream of pee that splattered on the ground between my legs. It made a really big puddle all around my shoes which was kinda gross, but I couldn't help it. Also, I had two pretty big farts while I peed and my poo was already coming out of my backdoor a bit. I pushed and then a big turd really streched my bumhole and came crackling out pretty quickly. It felt like it was going on forever, just a really long poo. Finally it dropped off and I let out a huge sigh of relief. Oh, I felt so much better. I pushed some more and had another, really wet fart this time and then two more small turds plopped to the ground. Then I felt all empty and I pulled off some paper. I wiped my front and then my back. My bum was super messy and it took more then ten sheets to clean up my hole and cheeks. When I was done I pulled up my my wet shorts which sucked a bit. I had a look at my poo and, wow it was a really big pile. My first turd was super long, more than a foot I think and all coiled up. Then there were the two small poops and tons of dirty tp. I got lots of dirt and pine needles and covered everything. When I got back Amber asked me how everything had come out and I just told her, "great!". Then we both laughed. We stuck around for a bit and lots more people showed up and I was glad that I had gone before when it was just the two of us. Then we finished our ride and it was really great. On our way home we both had a quick pee at a gas station and that's it. I hope you all liked my story.
Zuletzt geändert von TheMagician97 am 04 Dez 2016, 10:32, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 38
Registriert: 23 Jun 2016, 16:31
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Re: Eine weitere Geschichte von toiletstool

Beitrag von Kamikaze »

Gibt es denn auch eine Fortsetzung wo die eine Freundin dann auch endlich "kann" ? Sonst ist die Geschichte gar nicht mal Ăźbel :)
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 29 Jun 2016, 14:39

Re: Eine weitere Geschichte von toiletstool

Beitrag von anton4 »

Aha, kann ich nicht lesen...
Beiträge: 1322
Registriert: 26 Jun 2016, 11:09
Wohnort: MĂźnchen
Danksagung erhalten: 2 Mal

Re: Eine weitere Geschichte von toiletstool

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

anton4 hat geschrieben:Aha, kann ich nicht lesen...
Englisch lernen?

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